Democrats and protecting the monarchy from the foreign media

17 03 2009

PPT readers will recall that we previously reported on Democrat Party spokesman Buranaj Smutharaks. PPT outlined how the spokesman, who recently called for the formation of an ASEAN Human Rights Body that recognised free expression, press freedom and people’s access to information, also made an exception for the monarchy in Thailand. PPT also reported how Buranaj opposed a call by international academics to reform the  lèse majesté law, saying there was a “hidden agenda”.

Now Buranaj has been reported in the Nation (17 March 2009: Protests aim to bring down the government: Democrats”) on what he sees as an opposition strategy to bring down the government, which is co-ordinating the foreign media in a political campaign to restore the “Thaksin regime”. He is reported in the Nation in this way: “Thaksin himself was working with foreign individuals and organisations in his campaign for a political comeback. Moreover, mainstream and underground media were being used to undermine the country’s credibility, said the spokesman. He said the working group was particularly concerned about the use of foreign media in questioning Thailand’s justice system and infringement on royal power.”

It is unclear to PPT how the international media can engage in an “infringement on royal power” and  we wonder if this is yet another warning to foreigners.

The allegations made by Buranaj have become increasingly common in the Democrat Party’s statements. This Democrat view that there is a conspiracy against Thailand, which might be managed and even funded by Thailand’s “red shirts” or Thaksin Shinawatra, appears somewhat paranoid, especially when applied to the major news outlets. The international media is not infallible but the Democrats might consider how their own policies and often contradictory statements and actions are contributing to the kind of international media coverage it receives.



2 responses

19 03 2009
New: More on political plots and the monarchy « Political Prisoners in Thailand

[…] More on political plots and the monarchy On 17 March 2009, PPT reported on an alleged political campaign that involved an opposition strategy to bring down the government, […]

25 08 2009
Further updated: Protecting Prem « Political Prisoners in Thailand

[…] the solution and means to achieve solidarity.” We have posted on Buranaj previously, here and here. as a spokesman supportive of the use of laws against freedom of speech, including lese majeste and […]