Dictatorship for dummies

25 07 2016

In our last post, commenting on the now maniacal search for opponents of the military’s draft charter, we asked: How low can the junta go?

We thought arresting and prosecuting children was really low. We thought investigating monkeys was a low point too. But, no sooner did we ask than we got an answer – real low.

Coffee has oozed its way into the already slippery mental processes of officials befuddled by the junta’s fear and demented and frenzied squeals and attacks.Gano

The Bangkok Post reports that doltish officials in Srisaket saw signs they imagined urged people to vote No. They collected up 47 signs to stymie the imagined charter opponents.

Guess what? The signs were for a brand of 3-in-1 coffee, easily identified on the web. The signs were “put up to direct its salespeople to a meeting venue being held in the district…”.

On hearing reports of the signs, the province’s gullible governor Tawat Suraban reportedly “rushed to the district and called a meeting to find who put up the flags.”

We imagine the junta breathed a sigh of relief that another threat has been seen off.

Dictatorship really is for dummies.


