Incompetence, negligence, spinelessness and murder II

22 05 2024

This is an update to our earlier post regarding “treatment” provided to Netiporn Sanesangkhom and her tragic and unnecessary death.

In response to comments by Krisadang Nutcharus, Netiporn’s lawyer, the Department of Corrections has insisted “its attempts to resuscitate for late activist Netiporn “Boong” Sanesangkhom were conducted professionally…”.

Meanwhile, kind of undermining any notion that the the Department is transparent on anything, it has done a deal for another high-profile detainee. The Bangkok Post reports that:

The Department of Corrections (DoC) came under fire yesterday over the transfer of a key suspect in the scandal-hit Stark Corporation to the Police General Hospital (PGH), as victims of the financial misconduct case believe he was given unfair privileges.

Dozens of investors affected by the fraud case petitioned Justice Minister Tawee Sodsong, demanding the truth after learning that Vonnarat Tangkaravakoon, Stark’s largest shareholder, was being treated at the PGH.

Mr Vonnarat was one of seven suspects accused of forgery, fraud, embezzlement and money laundering under the Securities and Exchange Act. The alleged misconduct affected 4,704 shareholders and caused damages estimated at 14.7 billion baht.

He was sent to Bangkok Remand Prison on Feb 12 after his bail request was denied. The victims were furious upon hearing that he could be staying in a premium ward at the PGH after he was transferred out of the Corrections Hospital.

Sound familiar? The rich and powerful get one thing and others die.



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