Coup vs streets

4 08 2023

Parliament can’t meet and discuss anything much at all. It certainly can’t select a prime minister. All because of the agencies established to prevent a popular, progressive, elected government.

That’s due ti the ruling class and its military-monarchism. Their “representatives” wrote a constitution to stymie Puea Thai but used it to prevent Move Forward establishing a government. It stacked the Constitutional Court with loyalist dullards, and it seems that again everything hangs on that politicized agency.

Thaksin Shinawatra is on-off about his return, waiting for a Puea Thai government. Will he get it? It seems likely, but it may be a government that doesn’t match its electors hopes, which was to shift the old military barnacles.

Some are warning about a coup. For example, Veera Somkwamkid, a person of ultra-nationalist background and more recently worried about military dictatorship, “warned that a political conflict, if allowed to intensify, could invite another military coup. He urged the public to closely monitor political developments to avoid falling into the ‘coup trap’ and being exploited as a political pawn.”


Meanwhile, the original manipulator of the yellow shirts, Sondhi Limthongkul seemed to call for a coup, when he said “the only way to stop Move Forward from winning a majority at the next election is … another military coup.”

He may well be right that nothing can stop the electoral rise of Move Forward, although we suspect most rightist money is on the Constitutional Court doing its work against the party. That said, Sondhi seems to be pointing to a trend towards progress in politics, a trend he fears, along with many in the military, palace, and broader ruling class.

If there is to be another coup, then we fancy one of our readers is right when stating: “I think it has to go to the streets yet again.”



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